Leanne Elder, Ph.D Curriculum Vitae view PDF
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, PO Box 208109, New Haven, CT 06520
Cell - 860-805-2211
Current Position:
2016 Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Geology and Geophysics Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
- 2013 Doctor of Philosophy, Biological Sciences University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island Dissertation title: Ecophysiology of hyperiid amphipods, Advisor: Dr. Brad Seibel
- 2006 Bachelor of Science, Marine Biology University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI Independent research: Scaling of enzymatic activity in optic lobe tissue of pelagic cephalopods
- 2002-2004 University of Connecticut, West Hartford, CT Coursework towards B.S. Including Chemistry, Biology, and general education courses
- Maas, A.E., Elder, L.E., Dierssen, H.M., Seibel, B.A. (2011). Metabolic response of Antarctic pteropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) to food deprivation and regional productivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 441: 129-139
- Elder, L.E., Seibel, B.A. (2015). The thermal stress response to diel vertical migration in the hyperiid amphipod Phronima sedentaria. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Part A. 187: 20-26
- Elder, L.E., Seibel, B. A. (2015). Ecophysiological implications of vertical migration into oxygen minimum zones for the hyperiid amphipod Phronima sedentaria. The Journal of Plankton Research. 37 (5): 897-911
- Hsiang, A.Y, Elder, L.E. and Hull, P.M. (2016). Towards a morphological metric of assemblage dynamics in the fossil record: a test case using planktonic foraminifera. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 371 (1691)
Manuscripts: (Available upon request)
- Elder, L.E., Seibel, B.A. (In prep). Effect of ecology, habitat, phylogeny and environmental conditions on rates of metabolism in diverse marine amphipods
- Wang, X., Planavsky, N., Hull, P., Tripati, A., Zou, H. Elder, L., Henehan, M., (In press). Chromium isotopic composition of core-top planktonic foraminifera. Geobiology
- Hull, P.M, Elder, L.E., Dobbins, B., Hsiang, A.Y., Bogdan, K., Butts, S.H., Gall, L., Harrel, M., Laferty, D., Liu, Y., Mulvey, P., Perkowski, J.J., Plagge, C., Ranipeta, A., Rossman, D., Utrup, J. (In prep). Speeding up community morphometrics with open code and data sharing
- Kahanamoku, S., Henehan, M. and Elder, L. (In Prep) Foraminifera fragmentation as a proxy for Ωcalcite
- Hull, P.M., Bohaty, S., Cameron, A., Coxall, H., D’haenens, S., de Vleeschouwer, D., Elder, L. E. et al. (In press). Data Report: weight percent coarse fraction record for the Eocene megasplice at IODP Sites U1406, U1408, U1409, U1411. In Norris, R.D., Wilson, P.A., Blum, P., and the Expedition 342 Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 342: College Station, Tx (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program)
Grants, Awards, and Honors:
- Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences Grants-in-Aid of research ($3,710)
- SICB student travel award to present at complementary session for symposium: Physiological responses to simultaneous shifts in multiple environmental stressors ($250)
- Graduate Student Union grant for conference travel, URI ($250)
- University-National Oceanic Laboratory System: Chief Scientist training cruise ($1500)
- The Crustacean Society Graduate Student Fellowship ($1500)
- College of The Environment and Life Sciences student travel award, URI ($250)
- Graduate student funds for conference travel, URI, Department of Biology ($175)
- URI Biology Department Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award Company of Biologists travel grant ($653) - 2nd place Discovery@ URI research poster presentation ($400 prize)
- Graduate Student Union grant for conference travel, URI ($500)
- Graduate Student Association scholarship, URI ($500)
- Graduate student funds for conference travel, URI, Department of Biology ($325)
- College of the Environment and Life Sciences student travel award, URI ($150)
- Nominated for URI graduate student fellowship
- Enhancement of Graduate Research Grant, URI ($1000)
- Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Student Support ($100)
- Graduate student association scholarship, URI ($150)
- Graduate student funds for research travel, URI, Department of Biology ($175)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science 2 year membership award
- Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB) Traveling Fellowship Award ($1200)
- Dean’s Scholarship funds for research travel, URI ($200)
- Graduate student funds for research travel, URI, Department of Biology ($500)
Research Experience:
- 2016 Postdoctoral Associate, Dr. Pincelli Hull's lab, Yale University Trends in body size of foraminifera across the Cretaceous Paleocene extinction; ecophysiology of eutrophication: physiological response of Long Island Sound invertebrates and protists to environmental stress.
- 2014-2016, Research Associate, Dr. Pincelli Hull's lab, Yale University Impacts of climate change, both past and present, on planktonic foraminifera; developed high-throughput methods to image microfossils and extracted community level trends in morphology; supervised an average of 10 undergraduate research assistants per semester, four high school interns each summer, and mentored Yale senior thesis students.
- 2007-2013, Graduate Assistant, Dr. Brad Seibel’s lab, URI Incorporated physiological, biochemical and molecular techniques to measure the responses of marine invertebrates to naturally and anthropogenically induced environmental stress; focused on amphipods living in Oxygen Minimum Zones and their response to thermal and hypoxic stress as well as the influence of transparency and phylogeny on metabolic rate. Also worked with Dr. Niall Howlette learning western blot methods
- 2008 Journal of Experimental Biology Traveling Fellow, Dr. Patrick Walsh’s lab, University of Ottawa Learned molecular techniques for a project quantifying the expression of carbonic anhydrase in response to ocean acidifation; created a cDNA library for two species of Antarctic pteropod, PCR and qPCR.
- 2006- 2007, Laboratory Technician, Dr. Brad Seibel’s lab, URI Designed and conducted experiments on respiratory physiology of pelagic cephalopods, specifically impacts of ocean acidification on pteropod mollusks; coordinated logistics for research on three UNOLS cruises and at McMurdo Station, Antarctica.
- 2005, Laboratory Assistant, Dr. Scott Nixon’s lab, URI. Assembled mesocosm experiments, measured dry weight of fish and seagrass material, and entered data to support research on nutrient cycling in Narragansett Bay, RI.
- 2005, Laboratory Assistant, Dr. Brad Seibel's lab, URI. Collected specimen on research cruise in the Gulf of California, conducted laboratory experiments using oxygen electrodes, and analyzed results on scaling of enzymatic activity in optic lobe tissue of pelagic cephalopods.
Oral Presentations (some under maiden name: Birden)
- 2015 Elder, L.E., Hull, P.M., Hsiang, A.Y., Kahanamoku, S., High-throughput imaging of recent microfossils from the Atlantic Ocean. Geological Society of America (GSA). Baltimore, Maryland
- 2015 Hsiang, A.Y., Elder, L.E. and Hull, P.M., Automatic extraction of 2D and 3D morphological data from highthroughput dark-field microscopy images of foraminifera. GSA. Baltimore, Maryland
- 2015 Elder, L.E., Physiological and morphologic adaptations to survive hypoxia in the open ocean. Geology Department Postdoctoral Seminar Series. Yale University, New Haven, CT
- 2014 Elder, L.E., The ecological physiology of hyperiid amphipods: Impacts of environmental stress and transparency. URI Biological and Environmental Sciences Colloquium Series. Kingston, RI
- 2013 Elder, L.E. and Seibel, B.A., The effects of thermal stress and hypoxia on the hyperiid amphipod Phronima. The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. San Francisco, CA
- 2012 Bush, S.L., Elder, L.E., Seibel, B.A., Physiology of deep-Sea invertebrates: Predicting responses to climate change. Smithsonian Institute Seminar. Washington, D.C.
- 2011 Elder, L.E. and Seibel, B.A., Physiological adaptations of the hyperiid amphipod, Phronima, to oxygen minimum zones. Society for Experimental Biology (SEB). Glasgow, Scotland
- 2011 Elder, L.E. and Seibel, B.A., Physiological adaptations of the hyperiid amphipod, Phronima. Biology department colloquium. URI, Kingston, RI
- 2011 Schneider, J.L., Elder, L.E., Rosa, R, Maas, A.E., Hancock, L. and Seibel, B.A., Hypoxia induced metabolic suppression in migratory zooplankton living in oxygen minimum zones. 5th International Zooplankton Symposium. Pucon, Chile
- 2008 Seibel, B.A., Rosa R., Maas, A.E., Birden, L.E., Metabolic responses to ocean acidification. Ocean Acidification: Causes and impacts on biogeochemical processes, biota and climate. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography: Ocean Sciences Meeting (ASLO). Orlando, Florida
- 2007 Trueblood, L.A., Rosa R., Birden, L.E., Seibel, B.A., Scaling of aerobic metabolism in epipelagic squid. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB). Phoenix, AZ
Poster Presentations (some under maiden name: Birden)
- 2016 Elder, L.E., Hull, P.M., Hsiang, A.Y., Kahanamoku, S., An ecometric study of recent microfossils using high-throughput imaging. Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, LA
- 2015 Wang, X., Planavsky, N., Hull, P., Tripati, A., Zou, H. Elder, L., Henehan, M., Evaluating foraminifera as an archive for seawater chromium isotopic composition. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA Poster Presentations (continued)
- 2014 Liu, F., Hull, P., Elder, L.E., Morphological and functional diversity of planktonic foraminifera in the Atlantic Ocean. Northeastern Geobiology Symposium New Haven, Connecticut
- 2011 Elder, L.E. and Seibel, B.A., Implications of global climate change and declining oceanic oxygen levels for the hyperiid amphipod Phronima. Discovery@URI event. Kingston, RI
- 2011 Maas, A.E., Elder, L.E., Dierssen, H.M., Seibel, B.A. The response of Antarctic pteropods to food deprivation. 5th International Zooplankton Symposium. Pucon, Chile
- 2011 Elder, L.E. and Seibel, B.A., Vertical migration in oxygen minimum zones: the physiological consequences for the hyperiid amphipod Phronima. SICB annual meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2008 Maas, A.E., Birden, L.E., Fabry, V.F., Seibel, B.A., The ecological importance of pteropod physiology. ASLO: Ocean Sciences meeting. Orlando, Florida
Teaching Experience
- 2008-2013
Teaching assistant, University of Rhode Island
Course Co-Instructor: Invertebrate Zoology of Southern New England (Bio 355), 2011 - 2013: Designed course curriculum, organized and led collections trips, trained students to identify and preserve specimens, lectured on ecology and taxonomy
Laboratory Coordinator/Instructor
Invertebrate Zoology (Bio 354), 2012 - 2013: Designed laboratory exercises, developed invertebrate museum collection, mentored student research projects, wrote and administered practical exams Marine Biology (Bio 360), 2008 - 2013: Developed laboratory manual, designed and wrote lab exercises, trained and supervised teaching assistants, wrote and graded lecture exams
Laboratory Instructor
General Biology (Bio 101), 2011: Wrote weekly quizzes, graded exercises and quizzes, proctored exams
Guest Lecturer University of Rhode Island
- Invertebrate Zoology (Bio 354) “Gastropod Mollusks” 2013 “The open ocean: adaptations of pelagic invertebrates” 2012 “Taxonomy and Physiology of the hyperiid amphipod Phronima” 2011
- Marine Environmental Physiology (Bio 345) “Fuel and Energy” 2012 “Heat Shock Proteins” 2011
- Topics in Marine Biology (Bio 130) "I'm on a boat: midwater research" 2013 “Career paths and opportunities for students with a BS in marine biology” 2011, 2010
- Marine Biology (Bio 360) “Marine Invertebrates” 2012 “Intertidal zonation” 2008, 2009, 2010
Student Mentoring
- 2016
Tom Boag, PhD student Stanford University: Physiology of Ediacaran relevant biota
Romy Carpenter, undergraduate Yale, Peabody intern: Ecophysiology of eutrification
Mathias Feldtmann, PhD student University of Bremen, Germany: Planktonic foraminiferal morphology in the Eocene and Oligocene
Anieke Brombacher, PhD student University of South Hampton, England: Morphology of G.puncticulata
- 2015
Casey Culligan, Amity Regional High School: Morphology of Cenozoic microfossils (continued in 2016)
Sara Kahanomoku-Snelling, undergraduate Yale: Macroecoogy of limpets and Foraminifera fragmentation as a proxy for calcite saturation
Ahmad Keita, Diego Ospina, Juhi Nath, and Janae McMillan, Yale Peabody Museum EVOLUTIONS (EVoking Learning and Understanding Through Investigations of Natural Sciences) High School interns
- 2014
Frances (Yuchen) Lui, Undergraduate Yale: Morphological and Functional diversity of Atlantic foraminifera (currently: graduate student, Stanford)
Zariah Altman, George Baldwin, Meeshali Patel and Sywia Zambrycka Yale Peabody Museum EVOLUTIONS high school interns
- 2013
Kallie Longval, undergraduate URI: Comparison of metabolic enzymes CS and LDH in amphipods (currently: Law student at Roger Williams University)
Nicole Marone, Kallie Longval, undergraduate URI: Anaerobic metabolism of Pleuroncodes (pelagic crab)
- 2011
Nathan Coolidge, undergraduate URI: Respiratory physiology of pelagic shrimp (currently: MA student, Teacher Certificate Program, URI)
- 2007
Rachel Wigton, undergraduate URI: Respiratory physiology and Biology of pelagic cephalopods (currently: PhD candidate, Old Dominion University)
- 2015
Supervisor: Yale Peabody Museum EVOLUTIONS Program: Supervised four high school interns from June-September. Interns from inner city schools and underrepresented groups in STEM.
- 2014
Supervisor: Yale Peabody Museum EVOLUTIONS Program: Supervised four high school interns from June-September. Interns from inner city schools and underrepresented groups in STEM.
- 2013
Instructor: Freshwater Ecosystems workshop for Rhode Island Technology Enhanced Science (RITES) program. Updated curriculum and activities to meet state Grade Span Expectations (GSEs) for grades 5- 12, and taught associated 2.5 day workshop for 5-12 teachers
Volunteer: Seine net station Chariho middle school 6th grade barrier beach field trip
- 2012
Instructor: Freshwater Ecosystems workshop for RITES program. Designed curriculum and activities to meet state GSEs for grades 5-12, taught associated 2.5 day workshop for 5-12 teachers https://sites.google.com/a/ritesproject.net/sites2/summer-short-courses
Contributor: “Marine life in Narragansett Bay” display, America’s Cup World Series, Newport, Rhode Island Photograph contributor: The Current, Rhode Island NSF EPSCoR publication, summer issue
- 2011
Participant: COSEE Ocean Systems and NEOSEC workshop: Strategies for Engaging in Broader Impacts Programs, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Waquoit, MA
- 2010
Invited speaker: Thompson Brook School, Avon, CT, presentation for sixth graders, “Antarctic Research: past and present”
- 2009
Lab demonstration organizer: NSF EPSCoR’s marine life sciences and engineering high school visits, URI spring and fall semesters
Photograph contributor: The world ocean census: a global survey of marine life, by Crist, Darlene Trew, Gail Scowcroft and James M Harding, Jr., New York: Firefly Books, Inc.
- 2008
Invited speaker: The School of the Future, New York, New York, Career day
- 2005
Docent/Educator: Mystic Aquarium, Mystic, Connecticut
- 2012 Article: The Ecdysiast, newsletter of The Crustacean Society, “TCS Fellowship Winners” Volume 31, November 2, 2012, page 20.
- 2011 Article: QuadAngles, URI alumni magazine, “Discovery@URI, 2011 Best Student Research Awards” summer 2011, Volume 18, No. 4, page 25.
- 2011 Article: The Narragansett Times, “URI Student Studies Link Between Zooplankton and Climate Change” July 15, Volume 148, No. 56, page 4-A.
- 2011 Article and photograph: Cranston Patch, “Cranston Resident Studying Interaction of Zooplankton and Global Warming” July 12.
- 2011 Press release and photo: Society for Experimental Biology “Climate Change Could Turn Oxygen-free Seas from a Blessing to a Curse for Zooplankton” featured on over 20 websites including: Sciencedaily, FirstScience, Physorg, ScienceCodex, EcoRI, URI today, URI homepage. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110630220007.htm
- 2011 Article: The Good 5¢ Cigar (URI newspaper), “Poster display showcases student research projects” April 14, Volume 60, Issue 42, page 1.
- 2008 Interview: Go Earth care!, Bay FM Community Radio, Byron Shire, NSW, Australia, titled: “The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Sea Butterflies.”
- 2015 Reviewer: Journals of Marine Biology and Plankton Research; NSF Ocean Sciences divison
- 2014 Session Chair, SICB meeting Hypoxia/Oxidative Stress
- 2011-2012 Member at large, Graduate Assistants United, URI
- 2011 Graduate student representative, tenure-track professor candidate search, URI
- 2010- 2012 Graduate student representative, URI Department of Biology faculty meetings
- 2010-2011 Steward, Graduate Assistants United, URI Elder Curriculum Vitae 7
- 2010 Contributed to white paper titled: URI Research Needs in Genome Biology
- 2008 Author of the URI Marine Biology Laboratory Manual, revised 2009, 2010, and 2012
Professional Development Courses
Through Yale University Organizational Effectiveness and Staff Development program
- 2015 Mastering Difficult Conversations
- 2015 Navigating Conflict
- 2014 Leading with influence
Professional Affiliations
- American Geophysical Union
- Geological Society of America
- American Academy of Underwater Sciences
- Society for Experimental Biology
- Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
- The Crustacean Society
- 8-hour Marine Fishing Vessel Safety Course (Coast Guard Marine Safety Instructor)
- American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS), Research Diver
- PADI NITROX certification (instructor: Mark Gustafson, URI)
- PADI open water diver
- DAN first aid for professional divers
Postdoctoral supervisor Dr. Pincelli Hull Yale University Department of Geology and Geophysics 210 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT 06511 pincelli.hull@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-5006
Graduate advisor Dr. Brad Seibel University of South Florida College of Marine Science 140 7th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 USA Seibel@usf.edu Phone: 727-553-3403
Collaborator Dr. Patrick Walsh University of Ottawa Department of Biology 550 Cumberland St., room 246 Ottawa, ON, Canada pwalsh@uottawa.ca Phone: 618-562-5270
Graduate committee member Dr. Karen Wishner University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography 215 South Ferry Road Kingston, RI 02881, USA KWishner@gso.uri.edu Phone: 401-874-6402
Graduate committee member Dr. Terence Bradley University of Rhode Island Department of Fisheries and Veterinary Sciences 120 Flagg Road Kingston, RI 02881, USA TBradley@ds.uri.edu Phone: 508-341-1673